Templateog体育首页 Author Badges
Templateog体育首页 Author Badges - Collect Them All & Get Reward
The Templateog体育首页 badge is a status element aimed to increase clients' trust and authors' sales.
Earned more than $100
Earned more than $1K
Earned more than $16k
Earned more than $64k
Earned more than $100k
If you provide high-quality product support, it will be possible to get a brand label “Support Maverik.” It is available to those with an appropriate and average reply time.
Templateog体育首页 Achievements will help authors develop and upgrade their stores. After receiving new achievements, the authors get additional promo activities for their products.
Godzilla Templates
The achievement is given to those authors who have added more than 100+ products to the marketplace. Thanks to the Author-Driven prices policy , authors have the freedom to decide at what cost their products will be sold in the marketplace, and enjoy many other benefits.
Coming soonGodzilla Graphics
Every author who has added more than 500+ graphic products to the marketplace gets this achievement. Besides earning a 65% commission from every sale, authors can set the cost of graphic design items on their own.
Coming soonRadioman
The achievement is given to every author who joins the Templateog体育首页 affiliate program and refers at least one sale. Thus, an author can earn up to 95% commission per one sale. Check details in the guide for authors.
Coming soonOctopus
The achievement is given to authors whose products are presented in 8+ categories on the marketplace. See the list of products that you can contribute for sale.
Coming soonPenman
The achievement is given to those authors who write at least 15 unique descriptions for their products. The volume of each product description should be more than 1000 symbols. Follow this link to check how to write compelling product descriptions.
Coming soonTech Guy
Provide 50 feedbacks in your support requests to get Tech Guy achievement! Author support tips .
Coming soonCelebrity
Share your story with our blog readers and become a Celebrity! To post your interview on Templateog体育首页 blog, complete the survey . Please send us the link to your interview post on Templateog体育首页 blog to obtain the achievement.
Coming soonLink Builder
Add links to your shop from Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Dribbble, Behance and Instagram.
Coming soonShakespeare
Write the post for Templateog体育首页 blog to become a Shakespeare! Feel free to contact us to discuss your content ideas! Once your post is published, let us know to get the reward.
Coming soonPretty One
Get 10000+ views on your product to get Pretty one achievement! Please contact us once you have enough views to get the accomplishment.
Coming soonTraffic maker
Join Templateog体育首页 Pinterest board and create a section with your products. Follow this link to learn the details .
Coming soonPhilanthrope
Add a free product to Templateog体育首页 and get the Philanthrope achievement! Check the shop owner’s guide to free goods .
Coming soonEnergizer
You have to initiate at least one paid promotion following the recommendations of the marketplace team.
Coming soonSpeedster
You have to create at least one website template with a 95+ PSI score.
Coming soonGroupmate
Join our authors' community on Facebook. Stay tuned for the latest news, communicate with other authors and share your experience. It`s going to be fun, we promise!
Coming soonKozak
If you help stop the war physically, informationally, or financially, please, let us know. Marketplace customers should know the heroes!
Coming soonTrends Watcher
Get this achievement if you add at least 5 products based on the recommendations of the Products Needed tool.
Coming soonHigh Five
To get this achievement, you have to add personal info to your profile, reaching at least 50%.
Coming soonRocketman
You will get this achievement if you promote your products with the Product Booster tool for one week. Booster is way more effective for new or updated products.
Coming soonTweet-Tweet
If you share more than a third of your products on social networks, you'll be awarded this achievement.
Coming soonThe Lucky Star
As a new author, you can earn this achievement if you add more products than other authors within a month.
Coming soonThe Moneymaker
Authors generating the maximum number of sales in one month get this achievement.
Coming soonSynchronized
Upload products to the new marketplace categories to earn this achievement.
Coming soonSpokesman
Authors who participate in surveys or share feedback regarding their marketplace experience get this achievement.
Coming soonDeputy
Authors who share feedback on marketplace UX, tools for authors, new product categories, bugs, etc., will earn this achievement.
Coming soonThe Woo Trimester
Add as many WooCommerce products based on the Products Needed tool to earn this achievement.
Coming soonI'm Something of a Marketer Myself
Authors who create effective marketing campaigns to promote products and increase sales will be awarded this achievement.
Coming soon