Constituye - Tema de WordPress para edificios y construcciones

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shoppingBag Ventas: 29


Creado: 7 jul 2022

Actualizado: 12 dic 2024

identificación: 259615

Get Free Installation with This Item The "Buy a Template, Get Free Installation" offer is exclusively available for template only. This means the free installation service is only applicable if you start a brand-new website without existing content, structure, or prior installations.
If your website already exists—whether it has been partially built, contains pre-existing content, or uses a different template or CMS—this offer will not apply. Also you can consider Free Installation as an option if you confirm existing date erasing and confirm that it will look like in demo with dummy content. Other cases can be reviewed by our team and can be done for additional fee depending on your requirements.
If you’re unsure whether your project qualifies for the free installation, contact our support team before purchasing a template.

og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes

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Constituye - Tema de WordPress para edificios y construcciones - Características Imagen 1Constituye - Tema de WordPress para edificios y construcciones - Características Imagen 2Constituye - Tema de WordPress para edificios y construcciones - Características Imagen 3Constituye - Tema de WordPress para edificios y construcciones - Características Imagen 4Constituye - Tema de WordPress para edificios y construcciones - Características Imagen 5

Una plantilla de construcción e inmobiliaria debe ser confiable. Constitutes es justo lo que está buscando ya que cumple con todos los criterios para un negocio de ingeniería y arquitectura. El control deslizante en la parte superior de un sitio web llama la atención, varios efectos de movimiento lo hacen más actual y los contadores aumentan los niveles de confianza de los usuarios. Hay varios tipos de galerías, lo que le permite presentar su trabajo a los clientes de la manera más efectiva. La función de blog será particularmente beneficiosa para describir sus proyectos actuales, difundir las noticias más recientes de las industrias de la construcción y la arquitectura, e impulsar su SEO.

Lista de cambios

December 13, 2024:

  • Changed all files and whole file structures
  • Need to reinstall theme
  • Major Release 2.0.0

July 28, 2023:

  • Changed sample data in the constitutes_customizer_export.dat, constitutes_widgets_settings.wie, constitutes_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout and improve code and removed the some unnecessary CSS code
  • Update WordPress Version and Plugins
  • Update Revolution Slider Plugin

1 Reseñas de este producto

You will certainly be satisfied. Also your clients. The page on this template will be modern and adapted. The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. You can modify many things. The file structure is transparent. Easy to configure and modify. A very intuitive way of making changes. I have installed many templates and I really recommend it to everyone who is looking for professional solutions.
Thank you, we really appreciate it.

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Customer Support

4,5 /5
Support rating (159 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 133 4 4 3 1 2 4 1 17
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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