Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template

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Created: Dec 13, 2013

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

ID: 47684

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Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 1Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 2Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 3Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 4Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 5Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 6Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 7Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 8Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 9Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 10Grocmart - Grocery Store Multipage Classic HTML Website Template - Features Image 11

Reliable Grocery Store Responsive Website Template

A grocery store responsive website template is a versatile solution bringing you everything necessary for creating a powerful website. These days, every business needs to have a properly designed website. It can serve as an advertising or promotional tool. However, not every company can afford to develop a high-quality website that meets modern standards. Such a task is expensive and quite complex. That's why many businesses choose HTML5 website templates.

These solutions offer a reliable basis for any kind of website. Besides, HTML templates are affordable and easy to maintain. They are also very responsive thanks to the built-in Bootstrap 5 framework. It also improves stability making your future website suitable for mobile devices. If you are looking for a decent solution for your grocery store website, the Grosmart HTML5 template is just what you need.

Feature-rich & Multipage HTML5 Template for Grocery Shop

The Grosmart grocery store responsive website template offers a modern and clean design. It comes with a fully detailed layout. The latter fits any kind of content. Whether you want to post text with images or videos, our template can handle it all. Besides, it allows showcasing the featured products of your grocery store. Moreover, our HTML solution provides a set of features designed to make your website more sustainable:

  1. W3C valid coding;
  2. SEO-ready layout;
  3. Google Fonts & Google Maps;
  4. Cross-browser support;
  5. SCSS & Pug source files.

Our template also offers a wide set of pre-designed pages. They are perfectly suited for various purposes of modern grocery stores. With About Us and What We Offer pages, you can tell more about your store and its products. It's also easy to post store news and photos of your fruits and vegetables. It can be done via the Blog & Gallery pages. Furthermore, the grocery store responsive website template provides an eCommerce-ready set of Shop pages. It will help you organize an online store right away.

Customizable & Stable HTML5 Template for Grocery Store

Any website template needs to have appropriate customization tools. The HTML solution we offer is no exception. The Grosmart grocery store responsive website template provides a variety of UI elements that can spice up your website easily. From buttons to tables and icon lists, there's a lot of elements to take advantage of. And if you are a developer you can freely use these elements to build what your client needs.

If you are looking for additional information about our HTML template, don't forget to read its documentation. It covers a wide range of aspects that concern HTML5 templates. For example, the documentation answers common questions about template installation and operation. But if you need more, feel free to contact our support. Our qualified team will be happy to assist you in creating the website your grocery store needs.


Grocmart Version 1.5 (Jujy 15, 2022):

  • UPD: Bootstrap to 5.0.1;
  • UPD: Popper.js to 2.9.2;
  • UPD: Jquery to 3.6.0;
  • UPD: Jquery Migrate to 3.3.2;
  • UPD: RD Form to 4.3.0;
  • UPD: Select2 to 4.0.6;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Grocmart Version 1.4 (January 29, 2021):

  • UPD: Bootstrap to 4.5.3;
  • UPD: Popper to 1.16.1;
  • UPD: Owl carousel to 2.3.4;
  • UPD: Swiper to 5.3.1;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Grocmart Version 1.3 (Octobet 30, 2019):


  • UPD: Pug optimization;
  • UPD: SCSS optimization;
  • UPD: JS optimization;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Grocmart Version 1.2 (January 08, 2020):


  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Grocmart Version 1.1 (July 30, 2019):


  • ADD: Ecwid Shop;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

6 Reviews for this product

Один из лучших шаблонов, что я здесь встречал. Универсальный во всем, отлично подойдёт для интернет-магазина, бизнес сайта, блога с портфолио. Вебмастерам однозначно понравится гибкость этой красивой и профессиональной темы. Шаблон включает статический хедер на всю ширину экрана, крутые изображения на первом экране домашней страницы, а также куча демо опций и невероятное количество расширений. Этот шаблон, пожалуй, самый гибкий вариант в моем списке покупок. Учитывая то, что мне нужно выводить товары, выделять последние публикации в блоге или описывать предлагаемые продукты питания – это лучший для меня вариант. Рекомендую!
This html template is pretty simple to use and has many options already created to choose from. Understanding the basics of this template is really easy. After some accomodating time, you will create nice landing pages using the premade sections of divs. I bought this template for all of the benefits that it has. Also, the template came with all the images inside of it. This was really helpful to create all of the other pages. Buy it with confidence becase you won't regret it. Only one update i will consider to be necessary and that is the version of bootstrap. Overall a nice product. It is a well coded template and if you are creating an website for a restaurant, it's perfect.
Простой, легкий шаблон для небольшого интернет-магазина. Основные страницы есть. Для дополнительных доработок есть исходный файл в формате psd. Правда только главной страницы, но тоже неплохо (хотелось бы, конечно, иметь исходники и остальных страниц, но и за макет главной тоже спасибо). Свой магазин собрали довольно быстро - проблем при сборке с версткой не было - сверстано неплохо, код понятный и чистый. Спасибо автору шаблона. В целом рекомендуем
Good one, easy to use. Used for designing clients website good one
Tema dosyaları gayet açık sadece scriptler html kod içlerine değil de sadece klasör içinden olabilirdi.

1 Comments for this product

Is it compatible to opencart
Thank you for your comment. It is HTML template. It is not compatible with OpenCart. In any case please visit our Pre-Sales chat or give us a call at 347 342 0463 and we will provide you with assistance.

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