Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 87

Created: Oct 10, 2016

Updated: Jul 10, 2020

ID: 61199

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 1Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 2Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 3Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 4Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 5Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 6Fashion Gaze - Apparel Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 7

Let The Style Inside Your Life

Whether you are imagining of making a career in the fashion industry or just want to sell clothes online, you came to the right place! Meet our brand new fashion store WordPress theme. If you want to encourage and inspire customers to be trendy and stylish, this template will be quite suitable. The theme was created by such multifunctional plugins as Elementor and Jet plugins, so the design is attractive and engaging.

Why Choose the Fashion Store WooCommerce Theme

The fashion store WordPress theme has a couple of already created pages, which offer all the necessary functions to make your fashion online store prosper. Among these pages are:

  • Home page, where the popular products, latest news, and information about sales are placed;
  • Women page and men page, where all the products are obviously divided into male and female;
  • About us page, where you can give visitors a piece of information about your brand and the philosophy you are spreading;
  • Contacts page - here people can find your links on social networks and leave you a message;
  • Product page, where you can place both male and female clothes if you want to;
  • Blog page to write posts on the fashion topics about the latest news and trends.

In addition, you can create an account and track your orders, view account details and even compare your purchases. Also with the help of the fashion store WordPress theme, you are able to create your own wishlist.

Check the Functionality

A bunch of breathtaking visual effects and design features are gathered in the fashion store WordPress theme. Fashionable banners and sliders will catch the eye of every visitor of the website. The product layout is built with the help of grid technology, so the pages are easy to follow. In the bottom of the pages, the subscription field is placed. Also, the theme provides you with the already made contact form.

With the blog page, you are able to become closer to your customers and gain their trust. Moreover, the fashion store WordPress theme provides customers with the possibility to browse various categories of clothes, filter them by price and view top-rated products as well as recent reviews. To make the page surfing easier, the breadcrumbs are also ready to use.

Сontact Our Team If You Need Any Help

In case you have a problem with using the fashion store WordPress theme or want to install some additional options, don’t be afraid and text us! The team of experienced supporters will help you in any trouble. We are waiting for your questions 24/7 every day.

7 Reviews for this product

FashionGaze is a WooCommerce template that does exactly what it is advertised for. A simple but elegant theme that is easy to the eye. Comes with all Template og体育首页 goodies and plugins that make development easier and faster. Personally I do not like the use of MotoSlider and the fact that there is no Photo Gallery plugin pre-packaged. Also not that updating WooCommerce to latest versions may cause compatibility issues, as explained on the template page. Last but not least the 24/7 support is amazing and is the main reason for serious developers to select Template og体育首页! Overall a 4/5 stars!
Great customer service. Response was super quick on questions. Nice template. Will look for other products from this vendor.
Отличный шаблон, удобный, дружественный. Грамотно оформлен дизайн и структура сайта. Удобно работать.
Great Very quick and first service, thinks again I will come back soon ????????
Заказчик попросил сделать магазин за небольшое вознаграждение, поэтому разрабатывать дизайн и структуру с нуля было не рационально. А купить готовый профессиональный шаблон оказалось идеальным решением. Выбрал этот шаблон т.к. в нем нет ничего лишнего, в строгом стиле на белом фоне и к тому же отличная адаптивная верстка. Шаблон был выбран для организации каталога мужской и женской одежды. Что получилось в итоге можно посмотреть на сайте

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